Overcoming Feelings of Sin and Regret: A Reminder of Allah’s Mercy
Some may have feelings of sin and wrong doing even after repentance. Many feel anxiety because of what they have done in the past. I [...]
Some may have feelings of sin and wrong doing even after repentance. Many feel anxiety because of what they have done in the past. I [...]
Micro videos discussing practical applications of Islamic Law. https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLCDJ2YDRv5g5zP7ST8J44sKd2Ac1exTR7&v=wBTmP9T5Wmc&layout=gallery
In the traditions we read اتقو الحقرات من الذنوب فانها لا تغفر Avoid the minor sins for they are not forgiven([1]). It may be that [...]
These sexual instincts and desires have been created by Allahﷻ and so suppressing them is not permissible, but rather the control of those instincts [...]
Firstly, an empty seed will never sprout, and prayers without presence of heart is like an empty seed. Prayers are the cause of people staying [...]