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Some comments from Book 1

“Quran is His light, and ignorance is darkness, not knowing the Quran is blindness over here and in the hereafter. This class by a sincere (مخلص) and knowledgeable teacher is removing our blindness word by word, since this class, the way it is taught, is more than a Quranic vocabulary class.” – Seydah T

“Amazing lesson.  It was much easier to follow than the other one….” Mohammad T 

“I never thought I’d be able to learn Arabic so fast to be honest… even though I have college and other things going on. Goes to really prove, when there’s a will there’s a way, Allah helps you all the way, He just asks you to take the first step…” Ahfad J

About this course:

  • This is Book 2 of The Holy Qur’an – Understanding translations and concepts.
  • IPre-requisite: Completion of Book 1, please see here.
  • Over 1200 words are commonly used in the Holy Qur’an.
  • 48 Lessons over three books.  In book 1, there are over 350 words.
  • Book 2 will cover 400 words over 16 lessons.
  • Understand 86% of the words in the Holy Qurán on completion of all 3 books.
  • Stop relying on others in understanding the Holy Qur’an.
  • Exercises, quizzes, ask questions during the LIVE online sessions.
  • Recorded for future reference.
  • Downloadable PDF translations of words in English (Farsi also available).
  • Based on “The Holy Qur’an: Lessons in translation and concepts” by Sayyid Hadi Muhaddith et. al.
  • If you are unable to pay the fee please contact us on telegram for a fee waiver:

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