Pledge for a change this Month of Ramadhan
The Month of Ramadhan is coming to an end. This is an opportunity to reflect and to ensure that we come out of this month [...]
The Month of Ramadhan is coming to an end. This is an opportunity to reflect and to ensure that we come out of this month [...]
Someone hired out a camel to go from Cairo to Abbaseye. The traveller climbed on to the camel’s back and the guide held on to [...]
Allahﷻ says {انا خير شَريك فمن عَمل لِغيرى فهو لِمَن عَمله غيرى} I am the best partner, if one performs a deed where their goal [...]
Firstly, an empty seed will never sprout, and prayers without presence of heart is like an empty seed. Prayers are the cause of people staying [...]
The Qur’an states that {مَن جَآءَ بِٱلْحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُۥ عَشْرُ أَمْثَالِهَا} Whoso brings a good deed shall have ten the like of it([1]). What’s important is [...]
Our worldly deeds and actions are also dependent on the intention in which they are carried out. Here is an example: A surgeon and a [...]