Advice From Greats

In our political literature, the words ‘مستضعف’ (mustad’af) and ‘استضعاف’ (istid’af) have entered…

By |2023-06-24T11:55:15+03:30June 24th, 2023|Advice From Greats|

🎧 #Words_of_the_Greats Supreme Leader: "In our political literature, the words 'مستضعف' (mustad'af) and 'استضعاف' (istid'af) have entered... ❗️'مستضعف' is different from 'ضعیف' (za'if). 👉Where 'ضعیف' [...]

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Do not be among those who… hope for repentance with long-term expectations.

By |2023-06-24T11:54:52+03:30June 24th, 2023|Advice From Greats|

Imam Ali a.s.:"Do not be among those who... hope for repentance with long-term expectations... If faced with a desire, they choose sin and delay repentance." Avoid being someone who... hopes for repentance with prolonged expectations... If tempted by a desire, they opt for disobedience and postpone repentance.

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12 Steps Initial Program For Spirituality

By |2023-06-24T11:54:44+03:30June 24th, 2023|Advice From Greats|

For those interested in ethical #spirituality and self-improvement, what initial and introductory program would you recommend? Answer Firstly, #spirituality and self-improvement are nothing other than #Continuous_Servitude to the Almighty God. To engage in it, the following essential matters are necessary: 1. Strengthening #faith and having knowledge of religious obligations, prohibitions, and precise observance of them....

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