
(Sample) Essential Questions for a Father to Ask a Prospective Son-in-Law

By |2024-10-09T15:29:12+03:30October 9th, 2024|Etiquettes, Islamic, Marital, Marraige, Relationships|

These questions were originally prepared for my own use, and could benefit other fathers and families. With that in mind, I’m sharing them here, hoping they serve as a helpful guide for those seeking to assess a prospective son-in-law's character, values, and intentions. I believe that these inquiries can foster open communication and provide a solid foundation for a successful and harmonious marriage. Important post note: Always check with your wife what questions you will ask and before moving on to the next step.

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A Successful Islamic Marriage Requires Knowledge, Trust and Foresight (And a Contract)

By |2024-09-24T12:47:01+03:30September 10th, 2024|Marital, Marraige, Relationships|

Marriage is a sacred union that requires mutual understanding, love, and clear communication. While marriage brings joy, it's important to also prepare for challenges. A well-structured Islamic marriage contract outlines rights, responsibilities, and dispute resolutions, ensuring both partners embark on their journey with clarity, respect, and lasting happiness.

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